Instagram feed update

Written by Ryan on Mon May 09 2022

  • Social media
Instagram feed update cover image

It’s official - Instagram HATES us.

We have lost count of how many massive updates have been made to Instagram this year, but this one might be the biggest one yet.

What’s going on?

Instagram has announced that it is rolling out a new update for how your content will look in the feed. 

For years 1080 pixels by 1080 pixels has been the golden rule when it comes to the size of Instagram feed posts - but Instagram has flipped this rule on its head.

New insta feed

The new feed means that feed posts will be shown in 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels (the size of a story or reel) and you can only swipe one post at a time - rather than the previous endless scroll.

I wonder where they got this idea from? 

The Argument For 

When a larger portion of the screen is being taken up and the endless scroll effect is removed it is easier for users to focus on the content.

Think about when you are on TikTok. 

It feels more like streaming rather than a social platform, and that is because of how prominent the content is on the screen. 

Rather than the next post in the feed rearing its head, the video you are currently watching has your full attention. 

This effect may transfer to Instagram retaining more attention to your content.


We create 100s of pieces of unique content every month between reels, stories and feeds - it can be time-consuming at the best of times.

With this latest update, it means the graphics and photos we use for our stories can be used in the feed as well - saving us time having to design the same post twice.

The Argument Against 
Blurred lines

Although slightly modified, this new feed looks very similar to TikTok - reducing the separation of apps. 

I want to scroll on TikTok for 30 minutes and then do the same on another platform that feels different - not the same.

The lack of difference between platforms reduces the creator's creativity - it may feel like you can just copy and paste your content across platforms.

It’s not ready

Meta hasn’t had time to catch up yet.

Because this new update hasn’t been released to every user as we write this, creators and businesses can’t implement their new strategy just yet.

zimmer meta error

This is a screenshot from one of our client’s accounts in the scheduling section of Meta.

This post is the ratio of the new feed, but Meta won’t allow it to be scheduled due to it not being the “correct” size.

Regardless of your opinions or ours it looks like this is the new format of content for Instagram, the only thing left to ask is - are you prepared to pivot your content?

If you need some help preparing for the change, book a free consultation today!

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