4 tools for social media management

Written by Ryan on Thu Feb 17 2022

  • Social Media

Social media management can consume a lot of time from small businesses. You have to create, research, schedule, and engage on your profiles - all on top of running your business.

Simply put it can become a job in itself.

To make life a little easier for you we put together a list of 4 social media management tools to help save you time and increase the quality of your social media content.

Content Creation: Canva

Canva is the secret weapon of social media managers across the world.


Canva is a free online alternative to paid programs like photoshop. The site will help you create posts for social media providing access to hundreds of design assets, fonts, colours, and templates.

The site is extremely user friendly so even if you have zero design experience you can still create eye-catching content for your brand.

Research: Google Trends

Understanding what people are already searching for will help you when you begin to create content.

screenshot google

Google Trends is a free service that allows you to see how often words or phrases are searched over a certain period of time.

If you are struggling to come up with ideas for content, search your industry in Google Trends and it will provide you with how often people are looking for information on topics and suggest other things you can cover.

Images: Unsplash


Unsplash is a large library of high quality, professional photos that you can use for free. For small businesses trying to grow their social media it can be hard to invest in unique images, so take advantage of this free resource.

If you are ever covering a general topic or don't have a budget for photos check it out!

Planning: Monday

We have recently trialled Monday and we are loving it!

Monday screenshot

Monday is a versatile content planner that allows you to collaborate with members of your team to review, edit, and schedule content.

The site has templates that allow you to customise the workflow for whatever task you require.

Try these 4 tools to manage your social media platforms and give yourself more time to focus on growing your business and interacting with your customers!

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